The Catch!!
There are things we need to be sure of before proceeding to build... I mean minimum requirements...
Technically if you have the following "minimum requitrements" you're good to go...
This is actually the bare minimum spec. I say this because I've personally done builds with my shitty Laptop and came to this conclusin.. Yes! I did a lot of tweaks and yada yada yada but still not much help.. So listen to me here.. friend to friend.. if this couldn't be achieved.. Please don't try!
- A linux Environment (Recommended : Ubuntu 20.04 LTS).
- A decent Internet Connection (Better if it's a 1Mb/S plan at the least). Because ROM sources could be 16 GB approx. even when shallow cloned..
- CPU: 4 core 8 thread is the bare minimum or else it takes an eternity to build...
- RAM: 8 GB Minimum (+ ZRAM + SWAP optional and it is better to have 16 Gigs of RAM afterall).
- Storage: SSD is better and it will build if you have HDD too.. 250GB is a decent amount of space.
- Some Linux knowledge and Basic ideas about Git.
- You need to have the TREES.. ( Device Tree , Kernel Tree {Or use a prebuilt one - not recommended} , Vendor Tree {And A Common Tree if available})
- A GitHub Account or a GitLab account! (Preferably with the trees forked/imported).
Alright! Now we're talking.. yaay! good to go!!
Lets do it Step by Step.. One at a time...
I've divided the whole building process into six steps which I find helpful. Fingers Crossed!.
Why use this??
Because this literally spoon feeds you! lol.

Build-boting or Blind building of ROMs are really not recommended. Simply because they have no point and lacks quality!.
However, this is how we learn.. at least this is how I learned! Just dont make this a habbit. And never release untested builds.. get a tester from your community or test it yourself!
Golden Rule 1
Never PM Pros unless you really really really need help! They do quality work and are better left undisturbed!
Golden Rule 2
Never ever ever build as ROOT! (At this point.. you should know what this means).
Golden Rule 3
Don't be a Retard! There is an Android Build Help group on telegram! Check rules and ask for help there..
AndroidBuildersHelp group does not belong to me.. And this is by far the most important GOLDEN RULE!
So far it's just me! DUH!